Google+ Pieces o' Eight: June 2012

Friday, 8 June 2012

Darth Monolith

Introducing an exciting new range of action figures!

Click to embiggen

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Doorhanger of excellence

I've decided to create a new range of free products that will, without fail, improve your life and the lives of those around you.

No. 1 in this fabulous new range: The Doorhanger of Excellence! Behold!

Click to embiggen

All that's left to do is print, cut out, use and enjoy!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Windows 8 - The enemy of creativity

Microsoft recently released a Preview (or beta) version of its upcoming operating system, Windows 8. I don't normally bother with beta versions of code, but I was intrigued enough by all the talk of the new Metro interface to download the preview and give it a test run. What follows is my experience of the OS in its beta form and why I believe Windows 8 is the enemy of creativity.