Google+ Pieces o' Eight: September 2011

Saturday 24 September 2011

Improving my random password generator in Python

Learning Python is a great programming experience. The immediacy of the environment lends itself perfectly to experimentation, trying out new things and a very iterative approach to coding.

Previously I wrote a random password generator in Python. This worked well, but had a couple of problems. The first, identified at the time, was that there was a slight bias in the algorithm which would return certain characters more often than others. A second problem, identified after some pondering, was the inclusion of some redundant code. That version of the function had three lists and a dictionary - could this be consolidated down to just the dictionary? As it happens... YES!

The typical usage of dictionaries is to pass in a key to obtain a value. However, it's perfectly possible to obtain a key, value or both by supplying an index using a dictionary's .keys(), .values() or .items() methods and supplying the index such as:


This means, of course, that it would be possible to get a randomly generated index from the dictionary, like so:

phoneticDictionary.items()[random.randint(0, 61)]

Knowing this meant I was able to alter my code to get rid of the three lists and use just the dictionary itself. It also got rid of the bias noted earlier.

Here's the complete listing:

import random

def getRandomPassword(length):
    phoneticDictionary = {"A" : "ALPHA",
                          "B" : "BRAVO",
                          "C" : "CHARLIE",
                          "D" : "DELTA",
                          "E" : "ECHO",
                          "F" : "FOXTROT",
                          "G" : "GOLF",
                          "H" : "HOTEL",
                          "I" : "INDIA",
                          "J" : "JULIET",
                          "K" : "KILO",
                          "L" : "LIMA",
                          "M" : "MIKE",
                          "N" : "NOVEMBER",
                          "O" : "OSCAR",
                          "P" : "PAPA",
                          "Q" : "QUEBEC",
                          "R" : "ROMEO",
                          "S" : "SIERRA",
                          "T" : "TANGO",
                          "U" : "UNIFORM",
                          "V" : "VICTOR",
                          "W" : "WHISKEY",
                          "X" : "XRAY",
                          "Y" : "YANKEE",
                          "Z" : "ZULU",
                          "a" : "alpha",
                          "b" : "bravo",
                          "c" : "charlie",
                          "d" : "delta",
                          "e" : "echo",
                          "f" : "foxtrot",
                          "g" : "golf",
                          "h" : "hotel",
                          "i" : "india",
                          "j" : "juliet",
                          "k" : "kilo",
                          "l" : "lima",
                          "m" : "mike",
                          "n" : "november",
                          "o" : "oscar",
                          "p" : "papa",
                          "q" : "quebec",
                          "r" : "romeo",
                          "s" : "sierra",
                          "t" : "tango",
                          "u" : "uniform",
                          "v" : "victor",
                          "w" : "whiskey",
                          "x" : "xray",
                          "y" : "yankee",
                          "z" : "zulu",
                          "0" : "Zero",
                          "1" : "One",
                          "2" : "Two",
                          "3" : "Three",
                          "4" : "Four",
                          "5" : "Five",
                          "6" : "Six",
                          "7" : "Seven",
                          "8" : "Eight",
                          "9" : "Nine"}

    password = []
    phoneticPassword = []                          
    for i in range(length):
        c, pc = phoneticDictionary.items()[random.randint(0, 61)]

    return "".join(password), "-".join(phoneticPassword)

And here's the function's output run 10 times specifying a length of 8:

pnReI0lg papa-november-ROMEO-echo-INDIA-Zero-lima-golf
7g7SnNKl Seven-golf-Seven-SIERRA-november-NOVEMBER-KILO-lima
7Q3Zy4Ya Seven-QUEBEC-Three-ZULU-yankee-Four-YANKEE-alpha
697vxMRX Six-Nine-Seven-victor-xray-MIKE-ROMEO-XRAY
R214zUMk ROMEO-Two-One-Four-zulu-UNIFORM-MIKE-kilo
f0db3LbG foxtrot-Zero-delta-bravo-Three-LIMA-bravo-GOLF
8mg5Vufa Eight-mike-golf-Five-VICTOR-uniform-foxtrot-alpha
C2Puu9dc CHARLIE-Two-PAPA-uniform-uniform-Nine-delta-charlie
tcK6OCsG tango-charlie-KILO-Six-OSCAR-CHARLIE-sierra-GOLF

Space Harrier 32X

Here's a quick video - level 1 of 32x Space Harrier played by me!

A random password generator in Python

For a recent project I needed to create a lot of random passwords. There are plenty of websites out there that can do this for you, but as I'm learning Python I thought I'd have a go at rolling my own solution.

My requirements were that each password be of a specified length and constructed from a random pick of the letters A-Z and a-z and the digits 0-9. I also wanted the function to return a phonetic spelling of each password. Here's what I came up with:

import random

def randomPasswordGenerator(length):
    upperCase = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]
    lowerCase = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]
    numbers =   ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "3", "5", "2", "4", "6"]
    phoneticDictionary = {"A" : "ALPHA",
                          "B" : "BRAVO",
                          "C" : "CHARLIE",
                          "D" : "DELTA",
                          "E" : "ECHO",
                          "F" : "FOXTROT",
                          "G" : "GOLF",
                          "H" : "HOTEL",
                          "I" : "INDIA",
                          "J" : "JULIET",
                          "K" : "KILO",
                          "L" : "LIMA",
                          "M" : "MIKE",
                          "N" : "NOVEMBER",
                          "O" : "OSCAR",
                          "P" : "PAPA",
                          "Q" : "QUEBEC",
                          "R" : "ROMEO",
                          "S" : "SIERRA",
                          "T" : "TANGO",
                          "U" : "UNIFORM",
                          "V" : "VICTOR",
                          "W" : "WHISKEY",
                          "X" : "XRAY",
                          "Y" : "YANKEE",
                          "Z" : "ZULU",
                          "a" : "alpha",
                          "b" : "bravo",
                          "c" : "charlie",
                          "d" : "delta",
                          "e" : "echo",
                          "f" : "foxtrot",
                          "g" : "golf",
                          "h" : "hotel",
                          "i" : "india",
                          "j" : "juliet",
                          "k" : "kilo",
                          "l" : "lima",
                          "m" : "mike",
                          "n" : "november",
                          "o" : "oscar",
                          "p" : "papa",
                          "q" : "quebec",
                          "r" : "romeo",
                          "s" : "sierra",
                          "t" : "tango",
                          "u" : "uniform",
                          "v" : "victor",
                          "w" : "whiskey",
                          "x" : "xray",
                          "y" : "yankee",
                          "z" : "zulu",
                          "0" : "Zero",
                          "1" : "One",
                          "2" : "Two",
                          "3" : "Three",
                          "4" : "Four",
                          "5" : "Five",
                          "6" : "Six",
                          "7" : "Seven",
                          "8" : "Eight",
                          "9" : "Nine"}
    all = [upperCase, lowerCase, numbers]
    password = []
    phoneticPassword = []
    for i in range(length):
        character = all[random.randint(0,2)][random.randint(0,25)]

    return ''.join(password), '-'.join(phoneticPassword)

It's pretty simple. The function takes a length n and then loops n times randomly picking one of three lists (A-Z, a-z or 0-9) and then picks a random entry from that list.

The chosen character is then appended to the "password" list and also passed to the phonetic dictionary, which returns the phonetic spelling of the character and appends it to the "phoneticPassword" list. Finally the function returns the password and phonetic password by joining the arrays into strings.

Here's the output of the function run 10 times specifying a password length of 8:

FAhFh0fy FOXTROT-ALPHA-hotel-FOXTROT-hotel-Zero-foxtrot-yankee
46Ne3XNu Four-Six-NOVEMBER-echo-Three-XRAY-NOVEMBER-uniform
1PcCnBX2 One-PAPA-charlie-CHARLIE-november-BRAVO-XRAY-Two
y41Q3w7l yankee-Four-One-QUEBEC-Three-whiskey-Seven-lima
bjihtPPk bravo-juliet-india-hotel-tango-PAPA-PAPA-kilo
H56a0Ydf HOTEL-Five-Six-alpha-Zero-YANKEE-delta-foxtrot
KaQkrlk8 KILO-alpha-QUEBEC-kilo-romeo-lima-kilo-Eight
77m302O1 Seven-Seven-mike-Three-Zero-Two-OSCAR-One

You might have noticed that the numeric character list contains some repetition to get the list length up to 26. I did this largely for expediency, but it does create some bias in that the numbers 1-6 have a slightly higher chance of being picked than 0,7-9. I'm not sure if this makes much of a difference, but it's as well to aware that this could be a potential weakness of the algorithm.

Without a doubt you could achieve the same in practically any programming language. What I particularly liked about Python for this, however, was the immediacy of the scripting environment and the built-in methods - such as "join" - which negate having to write tedious boiler-plate code to stitch strings together.